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Hoy probamos esta rakdos burn que he adaptado para el meta!! XD
1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den (IKO) 226
4 Orcish Bowmasters (LTR) 103
2 Swamp (LTR) 267
4 Dreadhorde Butcher (WAR) 194
1 Mountain (USG) 343
2 Bloodtithe Harvester (VOW) 232
1 Rakdos Headliner (MH2) 210
1 Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Hunger (THB) 221
4 Village Rites (STA) 35
4 Bump in the Night (SIS) 28
4 Blackcleave Cliffs (ONE) 248
4 Blightstep Pathway (KHM) 252
4 Blood Crypt (RNA) 245
4 Sulfurous Springs (DMU) 256
2 Hive of the Eye Tyrant (AFR) 258
2 Den of the Bugbear (AFR) 254
4 Fatal Push (KLR) 84
4 Lightning Strike (DMU) 137
1 Dual Shot (XLN) 141
4 Grim Initiate (WAR) 130
4 Heartfire (WAR) 131
1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den (IKO) 226