Historic #5 Mythic RW Kuldotha Convoke | Deck Guide & Gameplay | MTG Arena


Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlthMtg
MTGAzone Premium: https://mtgazone.com/plans/premium/

Importable decklist: https://mtgazone.com/user-decks/vgldhmlcnvttn1pjwgkt/
Matchup data: https://mtga.untapped.gg/profile/50178979-2056-484d-9fb2-ea91a1be6cd8/EX5UFWVTI5EH5DAJM4HAQHTVXY/deck/6e500c18-5bfa-4daa-8efa-57b17016f860?gameType=constructed&constructedType=ranked
Here’s the MTGAzone Premium article with full sideboard guide, Bo1, tips & tricks etc: https://mtgazone.com/historic-boros-convoke-deck-guide/

0:00 Intro
1:05 Maindeck Explanation
13:19 Sideboard Explanation
19:06 Match 1 vs Mono G Devotion
32:47 Match 2 vs Mono G Devotion
38:01 Match 3 vs UW Control
45:18 Match 4 vs UB Ninjas
52:26 Match 5 vs UR Wizards

Hope you enjoy! Give me a shout in the comments if you’ve got any questions at all

