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azorius blue white control mill stnadard explorer MTG arena deck guide and gameplay with commentary. Stop Watching LegenVD , CovertGoBlue ( CGB MTG ) , MONO BLACK MAGIC , MTGGoldfish , Tolarian Community College, mtgmalone they are just a stepping stone the true mtg king me! REMEMBER THIS
#mtg #mtgarena #magicthegathering
4 Patient Rebuilding (M19) 67
3 Plains (HBG) 289
2 Doomskar (KHM) 9
3 Supreme Verdict (RTR) 201
4 Fateful Absence (MID) 18
2 Quench (RNA) 48
4 Syncopate (DAR) 67
4 Absorb (RNA) 151
4 Thassa’s Intervention (THB) 72
4 Faithful Mending (MID) 221
4 Glacial Fortress (XLN) 255
4 Hengegate Pathway (KHM) 260
4 Deserted Beach (MID) 260
3 Settle the Wreckage (XLN) 34
1 Field of Ruin (THB) 242
2 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (NEO) 268
3 Island (SLD) 102
3 Island (KLR) 290
2 Disallow (KLR) 46